BIOPROCESSOR autonomous sewage system - perfect wastewater treatment
“One of the main tasks at the construction stage of various facilities is the installation of structures that will ensure wastewater disposal. Sometimes, the areas in Ukraine are far away from cities and towns, so they don’t have sewers. The BIOPROCESSOR autonomous sewage system will help fix this problem. These are highly effective wastewater treatment facilities that offer complete wastewater treatment in a variety of settings and operate in a fully automated fashion.
What are autonomous sewage systems?
The presented plants are state-of-the-art solutions based on multi-stage wastewater treatment. They are a system consisting of several wastewater treatment facilities. In particular, it includes an individual wastewater treatment plant and an independent pipeline. Another feature is that the structures create favorable conditions in which a special microflora develops.
It ensures the biological oxidation of inorganic compounds in wastewater. This method is based on the ability of aerobic microflora to absorb contaminants and convert them into several components (heat, gaseous nitrogen, and biomass). This is the method of biological (aerobic) wastewater treatment.
If we look at autonomous sewage systems in more detail, their design consists of six special chambers where treatment is carried out. Mechanical cleaning, settling, oxygen saturation, and post-treatment take place inside the station. The wastewater that passes through these chambers is treated at 98%.
How does local sewage work?
The systems are quite practical and easy to use. After installation and adjustment by specialists, they operate smoothly. The first stage is the separation of solid objects. Materials and waste are retained on mechanical screens. Then the wastewater enters the settling tank, where primary aeration treatment takes place.
After filtration and settling, the liquid is sent to the main treatment plant. This produces sludge and treated wastewater. The latter are sent to a biofilter tank for final treatment and then disinfected using UV radiation. Thus, the autonomous sewage system provides the highest level of treatment. The water that passes through all stages can be used for technical needs on the farm.
Where are autonomous sewage systems used?
The design of an autonomous sewage system is a universal solution not only for private houses, but also for other facilities with household wastewater. The owners of the following buildings should buy an autonomous sewage system:
- catering establishments;
- cottages;
- country houses;
- residential complexes;
- hotels;
- health resorts.
In each case, an individual design is selected. The number of users, the features of the building itself, the average water consumption per day, and the characteristics of the site are important while selecting a design. An autonomous, turnkey sewage system may be the best option.
The service includes professional assistance with the selection of the required plant model, preparation of design and estimate documentation, construction and installation works, commissioning of equipment, instruction on its use, and delivery of equipment.
An integrated approach allows you to choose the best solution for a particular facility and forget about additional worries. Bioprocessor specialists provide assistance at all phases. If you have any questions, they advise and explain the features of the designs, and when the order is placed, they take care of all the arrangements for transporting the equipment, installation, and start-up.
What is the difference between an autonomous septic tank and an autonomous sewage system?
When choosing a solution for their facility, owners often compare several options for wastewater treatment plants to determine the best one. Sometimes the choice is between an autonomous sewage system and a septic tank. These two designs have many differences.
To begin with, a septic tank is a container designed to collect, accumulate, and settle wastewater. After treatment in a septic tank, post-treatment with filters is usually required. In addition, the process itself in this case is quite long (at least 3 days).
The main and only advantage of all septic tanks is their low cost. However, if you calculate the total final cost of the order, together with the additional costs of installation, it becomes clear that it is not entirely different from the cost of a more technologically advanced and modern wastewater treatment plant.
The wastewater is then purified by approximately 60–65% and has a specific smell and color. If there is no post-treatment plant on site, the wastewater with residual contaminants goes directly into the soil. But not all soils have sufficient filtration capabilities, so over time, the comfortable microclimate of your land will start to turn into an environmental threat.
If maximum treatment to the level of technical water is required, it is better to choose an autonomous sewage system. The system provides several steps of treatment, after which the wastewater is purified by 98%. Unlike a septic tank, the BIOPROCESSOR autonomous deep biological wastewater treatment plant combines all the cycles and phases of processing in a single high-tech unit.
Therefore, the wastewater is guaranteed to be 98% purified to the level of natural water and can be safely used for household needs. If you require a wastewater treatment plant that fully complies with the rules, regulations, and requirements of the current Ukrainian legislation on wastewater disposal, it is better to install a biological sewage treatment plant produced by TM BIOPROCESSOR.
It will be the most beneficial investment in terms of energy efficiency, reliability, environmental friendliness, economy, safety, and usability. The BIOPROCESSOR local wastewater treatment plant reliably treats sewage properly to the maximum permitted levels for the reuse of clean water in the home or the safe recharge of groundwater with the already processed water.
How is an autonomous sewage system installed?
The Bioprocessor LLC specialists are not only engaged in the manufacture but also take care of the installation of the structures. They help choose the best individual solution for each facility and ensure the correct installation of all components. Upon completion of the installation, the client receives a technical passport, a warranty card that has a protective hologram and meets the established requirements, as well as installation and operating instructions.
What are the benefits of an individual sewage system?
The plants manufactured by Bioprocessor LLC are environmentally friendly, versatile, and efficient solutions for wastewater treatment. They provide their owners with a number of benefits:
- smooth operation;
- high quality and reliability;
- self-supporting sealed housing;
- durability and resistance to seasonal temperature changes;
- reasonable price;
- maximum level of purification;
- practicality;
- no negative impact on the environment.
If you are interested in turnkey autonomous sewage system cost and production features or would like to order an individual calculation of a local biosewage system based on natural biological processes, please call us at the phone number listed on the website. We will be happy to help you create your own reliable and environmentally friendly system and get high-quality purified water in Odesa or any other city in Ukraine and even abroad.”